Red Hat


  • Brian Stansberry Jul 07, 2024 WildFly 20.0.1 is released!

    WildFly 20.0.1.Final is now available for download. It’s been about a month since the WildFly 20 release, so it’s time for a small bug fix update, WildFly 20.0.1....

  • Brian Stansberry Jun 23, 2024 WildFly and Jakarta EE 9

    Congratulations to the Jakarta EE community for the recent great progress on Jakarta EE 9! The Jakarta EE community has been making great strides in its work on Jakarta EE 9, and given today’s Jakarta EE 9 milestone release I wanted to give the WildFly community an update on what’s been going on regarding EE 9 in WildFly and a heads up on what I expect will be happening over the summer and the rest of this year....

  • Kabir Khan Jun 18, 2024 🐴: ios有没啥免费的破解版Spotify - Shadowrocket - Telegram …:2021-5-12 · 破解版 不能下载音乐吧,只能连网听吧 辰仔 Chill 15:21:48 有没有下载能小火箭的id哇 J 💦💦 15:22:8 有啊 艾斯比孙碧萝 15:22:15 准备吃ban Shadowrocket 社群詳情 ...

    I am pleased to announce the 1.0.0.Beta1 release of the MicroProfile Reactive specifications feature pack for WildFly. It offers experimental support for the following MicroProfile specifications, which all focus on the reactive area: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 - this is a framework for building event-driven, data streaming and event sourcing applications using CDI....

  • Jean-François Denise Jun 18, 2024 A bootable JAR for WildFly 20

    Introduction Now that WildFly supports Eclipse Microprofile this seems the appropriate time to introduce a way to package a WildFly application as a bootable JAR (also known as a "fat JAR"). Bootable JAR packaging is well suited for microservices to be run on cloud and bare metal....

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